Karate Nebie Complex (KNC). Have you missed martial arts? Many of our clients have been asking for karate training for a long time. And now we are ready to offer you a beginner karate complex at the Bushido school. It's more of a sport than a fight. This is definitely not aimed at destruction. Only to strengthen your health and self-confidence. Black belt karate will be your coach for the next 16 classes of this course. Don't miss this opportunity to become a different person!
The complex consists of 16 workouts lasting 60 minutes. The price is for the whole complex of trainings. Special workouts are narrowly focused workout complexes for solving specific problems. From rapid fat burning to stretching, from developing coordination to mastery of the rope, from mastery of the horizontal bar to self-defense. Everything you would like to master, you will easily find among our special trainings.
As usual, you work in a ZOON video conference with your trainer, whom we will select after an interview with you. After registration and payment, you will receive all instructions by e-mail.