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Zoomba Energy Booster (ZEB) is one of the most popular group programs in our collection. You don't know what a Zumba is? It's more like dancing in a club than the usual step, aerobics and tai-bo. The secret is in modern music, simple choreography and well–trained instructors. Zumba is probably in your nearest fitness club. But with us you can repeat it at home, on the street and even in the office! This is a medium intensive training program, you need to spend quite a bit of time on training.


The complex consists of 8 workouts lasting 40-60 minutes. The price is for the whole complex of trainings. Special workouts are narrowly focused workout complexes for solving specific problems. From rapid fat burning to stretching, from developing coordination to mastery of the rope, from mastery of the horizontal bar to self-defense. Everything you would like to master, you will easily find among our special trainings.


As usual, you work in a ZOON video conference with your trainer, whom we will select after an interview with you. After registration and payment, you will receive all instructions by e-mail.

You can use any false personal details but please leave the real email in the order form. We will send link and password to your email after payment.

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