Golden bundle (BUN) - this is a great solution for seriously enthusiastic athletes. At once 5 trainers, nutritionists and physiologists will conduct your training course for a month. You will receive a special myograph device for measuring muscle impulses and studying the effects of various exercises on your body. We will receive this data online during your training sessions and adjust the program to maximum efficiency.
The complex consists of 16 workouts lasting 60 minutes. The price is for the whole complex of trainings.
Special workouts are narrowly focused workout complexes for solving specific problems. From rapid fat burning to stretching, from developing coordination to mastery of the rope, from mastery of the horizontal bar to self-defense. Everything you would like to master, you will easily find among our special trainings.
As usual, you work in a ZOON video conference with your trainer, whom we will select after an interview with you. After registration and payment, you will receive all instructions by e-mail.