We try to take into account all the wishes of our customers and eliminate problems in the content and form of our digital products. However, if you are not satisfied with the purchase, we will be able to consider your motivated claim within 30 days from the date of sending you the digital product by email.
By paying for the product, you agree and confirm that you have read its full description and demo version (trailer), and also understand all the characteristics of the product, such as: file format, video duration, playback codec, voice language, the presence or absence of translation into other languages and subtitles.
By paying for the product, you agree and confirm that you have read its full description and demo version (trailer), and also understand all the characteristics of the product, such as: file format, video duration, playback codec, voice language, the presence or absence of translation into other languages and subtitles.
Within 30 days after receiving the order by e-mail, you can make claims for the following parameters of the digital product:
The entire file or any part of it is not played back by a standard media player.
There is interference with the video sequence during playback.
No sound, too quiet, distorted sound, there is noise interference during playback.
The quality, resolution, and duration of the video do not correspond to the stated parameters.
The voice-over language does not correspond to the declared one.
Subtitles do not correspond to the declared parameters.
Other technical problems of the file.
You can not make claims regarding the quality of the video content, including the work of the characters involved in it, the completeness of the study of the material, the availability of explanations of the material and other parameters that are not related to the work of the file and the declared technical characteristics of the video and audio. Before paying for the order, you should familiarize yourself with the demo version of the file (trailer) and get the necessary degree of confidence for the purchase. If you got access to the video by downloading it or logging in with a password, you used the product and cannot get a refund for it.
If you have a reasoned claim, it should be sent to the email address misterstarkov@gmail.com within 30 days from the date of receipt of the digital product and contain the following mandatory information:
Your first and last name.
Order number.
Date and time of receipt of the digital product by e-mail.
A detailed description of the essence of the claim.
Your wishes regarding the replacement of the product with an identical or different one, or a refund.
The priority way to satisfy the claim, we recognize the replacement of a damaged file with an identical serviceable one. Other ways of satisfying the claim are considered by us in exceptional cases. If we come to an agreement on a refund, you will receive a refund within 5 working days from the date of acceptance of the terms by both parties.
Our support service may need additional information about the technical characteristics of the devices on which you tried to play the file, as well as the software with which you did it. Please provide this data on the first request. We guarantee the confidentiality of this information.